
Yerrinbool Ghost


Also on call in show #64. Kade helped name this when he said :”pilliga princess vibes” so i called it the Yerrinbool Princess after the town. I’ll put it under Ghost/ paranormal as i can’t explain it. Time was around 4Pm day was Thursday the 14. 3. 24 . Sighting. While driving on the old hume highway ( the back road ) from Mittagong towards yerrinbool just before the town i had to turn into a sidestreet a big 4wheel drive was in frount also turning as i was slowing down i spotted a lady walking in the sidestreet.

I could only see her top half as there were trees she was walking from the corner up the sidestreet she was wearing a blue shirt. Black hair european english skin colour. I had to be careful and watch her as she apeard on the side street walking on the street ( there was no footpath). So i was watching her extra careful and the 4wheel drive went round the corner and she disappeared only for a second or 2 as i went past trees i don’t know if the 4wheel drive blocked my vision of her or the trees. But when i got round the corner she was gone.

There was nowhere to hide or go. I could see in the trees. The yard on the other side of the road was clear . She couldn’t of got in the 4wheeldrive as it never stopped and i would of seen the door open. I don’t know if i seen a ghost or a loop in time or as she went into a portal. She was dressed like a modern person from the 70’s onward. And i can’t explain it. From Shane o

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