
Junjadee Sighting


While hiking along the Red Hands Cave trail in June 2013. I was being followed by something in the bush. After walking for a few kilometres and whatever it was still there, I decided to stop at an area where I could see atleast 10 metres into the bush. It was around 10.30am, very foggy and drizzling rain. I only noticed it because it ever so slightly moved its head and blinked once. I tried to film it but I over shot it and never quite caught it on film. It was standing about 8 metres away from me. I saw it for around 30 seconds and could only see its head, because it was behind a tree. It was only small, 3-3/1/2 foot tall. It started to rain alot harder and I had to stop filming and it used the rain to quickly slip away into the thick bush. I have never seen it again after that. The Pic provided is what it looked like. This pic is courtesy of Moodlark Media.

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