
Circular lights in the sky


Ok so this experience truly piqued my interest. It had been raining this night and the fog was heavy and low. Visibility was lessened all around both up and across the landscape. About 2 or 3 am I went outside to enjoy the misty night air and looking down towards the back of the property got the shock of my life when I saw what appeared to be the lights of a UFO craft spinning around in circular formation. Where my place is situated I can hear most vehicles within 3 or 4 kms radius. Properties out here are larger acreage and know or know of most of the property owners surrounding. In the direction of these lights the land drops down to a permanent heavily treed creek with no inhabitants in the vicinity. On the other side of the creek is a major powerline which cuts through the landscape. The nearest house on the other side of the creek and powerlines would be 1.5 to 2 kms so that’s about 2 to 2.5 kms from my pad. As I said the fog was quite heavy and these lights were either coming down though the fog from above or were reflected up onto the low fog. It couldn’t have been more than 100m or 200m (?) away if that. I assumed it must have been someone with some kind of light effect but there was absolutely no sound. No vehicle no voices no music. It lasted only for about 3 mins then disappeared. As I stated he lights were like the stereotypical UFO lights rotating around in circular formation. I was dumb founded and perplexed and felt somehow awakened.

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