I felt so much walking through the gaol, I felt sick from the energy in there. I stopped in front of one cell and went white, cold and was nauseous the guide asked me what was wrong and I said whoever was in there was the epitome of evil the guide looked shocked and pale, I said whose cell was this? He answered Ivan Milat.
In another area I froze next to a room that had a mirror on the outside of the door, what I saw will haunt me forever, Again everyone stopped and stared at me asking if I was ok? I said no, I was pale, sick and icy cold the guide asked what I was feeling I said there so many contorted horrific faces imposed on that mirror so much suffering and torment. Everyone was silent looking at the mirror saying where? The guide asked me if I knew where I was standing I said no but I did not want to be here he explained that it was a two way mirror and told me to look up, I was standing under the gallows and the last thing individuals saw as they were dying was themselves in that mirror as they were dying.
The guide told me that many well known psychics have been through the Gaol, he told me nobody has ever described what I saw in that mirror.