I am a retired Science teacher of 40 years. I recently retired aged 65. I feel safe now to reveal a number of really weird encounters over the past 20 years on the property where I live that I could NOT explain.
We bought a 10 acre bush block in 1995 at Cooperabung NSW. It backs onto Ballengarra State Forest and Cooperabung Creek Nature Reserve. We have thousands of hectares of forest surrounding us and 2 large pastoral blocks next to us one cattle (200 acres) one goats (100 acres)
The block was only cleared where the house was to be built. The rest of the property was thick wet sclerophyll forest with a small creek running through it. I cleared about 2 acres of clear ground around the house over the next 3 years. During this time I never experienced anything out of the ordinary.
By 1998 we were living here with our 4 children aged 14, 13, 3 and 2. The kids would often play outside or on our verandah. It was in that year that I encountered the strangest thing. I had decided to take my two little girls aged 3 and 2 around a track on the cleared area just outside the edge of the forest one sunny morning. As I walked along I was pointing out various birds, plants, insects to them. About 100 metres from the house just before the thick bush starts I could see on the path ahead a wallaby laying on its side. I thought at first that it was asleep. I crept slowly towards it and soon found that it was dead. It had no head. There was no blood nearby nor was the head anywhere to be found. My two girls were upset. I touched the wallaby and it was still warm and as I moved it over it was still soft with no rigor. The head looked like it had been ripped or torn off. (My Dad used to skin rabbits head and all fur in one motion)
I had heard no noises that morning. No gunshots. No dogs barking. We live on the end of a dead end street and there was no rational scientific explanation as to how this could possibly happen. Wild dogs and dingoes would not leave a carcass and only take the head. There was no evidence of blood loss. There was no clean cut knife marks or bullet wounds or arrows….Just a headless corpse of a recently killed wallaby. I asked my neighbours if they had dropped any baits nearby as it may have been dragged into my block somehow. No reasonable explanation other than another person had been well inside my block and dropped off a fresh kill which they had torn its head off that morning.
In the following 22 years I have had many other strange encounters which I could not explain away
1) I would smell a foul smell like a cross between LPG gas and rotten meat every now and again when I would go into the forest for timber. It would eventually dissipate but this same smell would occur again in a different part of the forest or property. I would go looking for a dead animal but never found one.
2) About 4 years ago I was collecting bush-rock from an area on our western boundary near the firetrail to build a rock wall when the loudest THUMP occurred nearby where I was digging. I turned around expecting to see a big Grey Kangaroo but there was nothing. I could not believe it. It sounded and felt like a large boulder had been thrown down into the earth only a metre away. I scoured the area for large rocks that had been thrown or moved or tree boughs that may have fallen but there was nothing. No-one was within 100 metres as I had a fairly clear view all around.
3) About 2 years ago we came home from a night in town fairly late. I was about to go to bed but remembered I had not locked the chooks up earlier before we went into town. I hopped up and put a small headlamp on my head and headed out the back door towards the chook shed. As I opened the back door my headlamp picked up two big bright yellow glowing eyes about 30 metres away. The shine from this old headlamp is not powerful but it illuminated these 2 eyes which were easily 8 feet above the ground. Whatever it was it was jet black as I could not make out its sillohutte or shape. But the eyes glowed so bright. It looked left then right then bolted at incredible speed to the left. It disappeared in an instant and made absolutely no noise! By the size of its eyes and height above ground this seemed impossible. I was stumped as to what this creature could be.
4) Not long after this my son in law and my daughter were at the property while the wife and I went out to a restaurant. We came back at about 10:30pm to find them both scared out of their wits. He told me he went outside onto the verandah and near the banana trees something deeply growled. He thought it may have been a dog and as he moved over to the railing it growled so loud that his chest shook. My daughter also heard it from inside the house. They were so scared by it he went inside and locked all the doors. He is of aboriginal descent and he is not a guy that scares easily.