My encounter goes way back to somewhere between 1989 – 1990 but I remember the event very clearly as does my friend.
I was visiting a friend that was living with his parents in the Barossa Valley – north of ADELAIDE. His parents weren’t home at the time. It was only the two of us.
We were around 18 – 19 years of age and preparing to go out to the local nightspots on a Friday / Saturday night.
The house was situated on the top of a hill on a large block in a rural area. The nearest neighbours would have been perhaps 100 metres away.
It was quite a mild and warm evening around 8-9pm. It was a night sky, the sun had well and truly set. We had stepped out onto the porch to smoke cigarettes.
I spotted what appeared to be 3 very bright stars in the far distance not too far above the horizon. These three bright stars were spaced fairly close together and at an equal distance from each other in a straight line parallel to the horizon.
One of the stars moved away from the others at great speed in a diagonal direction to the horizon. By this time I had alerted my friend to what I was seeing. We both stood there together watching this.
The other two bright lights then moved in the same fashion to join the other star and resume the previous formation.
These bright lights then did several manoeuvres, including 90 degree turns without slowing down. They only moved in straight lines. They were moving in formation.
I could not believe what i was seeing. I kept asking my friend if he was seeing what I was seeing. He confirmed he was. Then I saw one of the bright lights travel across to the other side of the horizon in a direction right over my head, to position itself on the side of the sky. It took no longer than 3 seconds to make that journey. It hovered there.
I turned back to look for the other two lights but by this time there was only one left. Then I saw it shoot off again in a direction that was diagonal to the horizon but apparently moving away from the earth because the light got gradually dimmer until it disappeared.
Bizarre hey!? I’ve never been able to explain it. I have a pretty good memory, especially when it comes to things such as this. I know what I saw but I have no explanation. UFO Documentaries often show / describe something very similar to what I saw. It was all over and done with in around a minute I guess, and the objects weren’t close enough to make out any details other than being being bright lights – but larger than any star or planet in the night sky.