My name is Erika, I live in Australia and have moved here to there multiple times, therefore I don’t know if something is attached to me or I just attract this energy.
My first experience that I can remember happened when I was 5/6 and I had a room to myself and always used to face sleeping the window until this faithful night. I still can’t understand what I saw, I awoke to giggling and as I looked at my window there were these two little boys dressed in 1838 attire but at that age it was just odd and ripped clothing for me, they were translucent white but I could still see so much detail in what they wore, I started to get so scared, I had one of those old metal shutter blinds and they just came off the hooks and fell, it’s like I snapped out of some sort of trance but what snapped me out of it was that the blinds had actually fallen.
My second experience was in a different house and I never did like that house it just felt like someone was constantly watching you. I was about 8 and one night I was in bed and this sounds absolutely crazy but I started to see all in my room flying jelly fish with top hats a ties and they were purple and pink static colour, they were just bobbing around my room, you think this is a funny thing to see and you would find it humours but they gave off such a negative feeling and I continued to tremble and from that night I refused to sleep in that room and begged to be in a room with my little brother from that night I continued to sleep in a room with my brother till I was 12.
The next house only one little thing happen but it was confirmation that I wasn’t mad and other people was experience what I was. I was 10 at this point and I was home sick, it was just my mum and I. I was out on the deck playing with whatever I was playing with and my mum was out in the garden, mum was still in close range to me that if she called I could hear her. As I am doing my thing I hear someone call out my name, it sounded like an elder women and I assumed it was my mum so I went out to the garden and asked her what she wanted, she then proceeded to tell me that she didn’t call out to me but she herd it too.
My next house was the darkest I believe, I was 11-12 at this stage and this house made relationships with my family hard, with my mum don’t know if it was puberty or what not but we fought, not just your mum and daughter fight, like evil fighting. It was like whatever was there was causing fights, my clothes would always end up in my mums room, she would continue to tell me to not leave my stuff in her room, but I had no reason to be in my mums room getting change, but it continued to happen and it made it worse between my mum and I. This next experience still brings tears to my eyes of fear, one day my brothers were picking on me and as you do I got upset and ran to my room to cry and had my back to the door and felt a presence come into the room, at first I thought it was my mum and I turned over and it wasn’t, it was this dark figure all I could see was a silhouette it had to be 8 foot tall and had a top hat, saw no facial expression nothing it just stood there, scared me half to death so I quickly turned over waited turned back it was gone and I legged it out of that room.
All I remember from 8 till 12 I had a interest in the paranormal but I was terrified this whole time, I slept under my covers most night even in summer when it was such a struggle.
Things got so bad between my mum and I that I had to go live with my dad. My dad had an old place and of a night time you would hear footsteps, furniture moving, dad would report fingerprints on his glasses of the morning when he cleaned them the night before, the cat would hiss at an empty wall. Things stepped up when unfortunately I dabbled in something I shouldn’t of when I was 14, I did a Ouija board with my girlfriends it was going smooth till the end, we had herd that if the spirit wanted to escape into the real world it could do multiple things to do, and we started to realise it was doing one of them, so we were like stuff this and went to say goodbye, there were all up three of us playing there all of a sudden it was like a fourth person joined and it did not want us to say goodbye and with such force was trying to pull the coin the opposite way and you could tell with all our fingers we were all trying to go the same way and the pressure we were using, then all of a sudden it just let go and we all jolted and from there you could tell how much force it was using, we finished it packed It up and didn’t leave each other’s sides the whole night so the next thing to happen I know no one did, we were using this ancient coin of one of my friends and she requested it back as it was her mother’s so I told her I left it on top of the laptop bag on the coffee table, she then said it wasn’t there, I remember that I put it there and we started freaking out and looking for this coin and where we found it was perfectly placed on the floor in the corner of the front door.
After that experience things got worse, footsteps turned into stomps and objects would start dropping on the floor but never found, doors started slamming. The next experience questioned my sanity.
I was 17 and my parents started to leave me to go overseas. When we forgot our house keys there was a certain way you could get in the house it was challenging by did the job. One night I heard it, I heard pipes moving, the old string windows pull open, someone step into the sink, someone jump onto the floor and proceed to walk around. I’m 17 and have no clue what to do, I definitely believed that someone had just broke into the house I was crying my eyes out with my hand on the door trying to be quiet I had to get it before it got me I held my breath and went for it, but nothing there wasn’t anything in the house at all, I was just speechless. For the rest of the time my parents were away I heard nothing, but when I went over my room and my parents room threshold I would start to cry in fear, the back door would constantly be cracked. About a year later we got a dog and everything stopped.
I moved to Melbourne when I was 19 to a new apartment for uni and thinking nothing would happen in a new place. Well I was wrong.
Nothing happened until my grandpa passed away, from there we herd the kettle being turned on, my hair would be tugged, my ex-partner and I had fights and one of us would sleep on the couch both of us would hear footsteps coming into where we were, thinking it was one of us coming back but it wasn’t, this would encourage one of us to go back to bed because we were scared.
The next experience wasn’t scary just amazing. One night I awoke I didn’t wake groggy or alarmed just woke up, I then looked to the right side of the room and standing in front of closet was a guy, he was solid, I wasn’t scared it almost soothed me so I rolled over and went back to sleep. I was telling my ex what I had seen I told him he was very tall, had brown hair, was wearing a stripped jumper he almost looked like a combination of my brothers, looked like a year older than me, I told him that it was soothing, I went to have a shower and I sat on the ground and just thought who it could be. Back story my mum had a still birth before me and was meant to have a boy who was a year older than me. With that I connected the dots and thought what if it was grown up version of him, as I thought that something quickly left my room and went down the hall, kind of like a confirmation, from that nothing happen at that place.
The next house I was living with girlfriends as I broke up with my partner and this house was new. The first night I awoke to a dark figure in the corner of my room. As my room was on the top floor you would feel someone watching you walk up the stairs till you hit a corner and that felling went. One of the girls mum came to stay and she had abilities, I wasn’t there for a bit so told her she was welcome to sleep in my room, she said she would hear the door rattling as if someone was going to come in and a dog ghost would be sleeping at my door, my roommate also saw this dog. It amazed me that this was confirmation.
One night as my room was at the front of the house I herd someone breaking into my best friends partners car so I quickly went down to them and told them, the next morning I was telling my other roommate and she asked what time this happen and I told her probably 1:30am and she said around that time she herd growling in her room waking her up. From here I only saw one other spirit it felt real and was if I wasn’t meant to see it, I just woke up and was sleeping with my head facing the closet and this green misty man was walking past my bed and just got lower and lower and disappeared into the floor.
From here nothing really else has happen I am just experiencing sleep paralysis, my first one was a of a goblin crawling up the bed, others are just dark figures, my last one was a grey alien hovering in the corner of the room. The only thing that is weird about these is they don’t last long like people report it, and I snap out of them fairly quickly.
So yeah that is my long as story!! Hope you want to share it.