
The Haunted Morgue


I wanted to share some quite intriguing and fascinating experiences that I encountered as a mortician. This profession’s uniqueness has opened up doors to some odd, yet exciting encounters, most of which I’d like to share.

My stories remain memorable as they often involve the strange and the unexplainable. One of the peculiar experiences I frequent involves hearing my name being called out from the office of our mortuary when no one was around, a phenomenon I might describe as supernatural. I’ve also experienced odd smells in the mortuary, strong scents like someone smoking a cigarette, which is against our rules. To my surprise, I later found out that the individual I was working on was a heavy smoker during their lifetime. It’s these little experiences that make my job not just interesting but also eerily exciting.

What’s extremely fascinating is the way the experiences at work transcend to my home. At home, my partner and I have come across paranormal instances that have both intrigued and amused us. The contrast in our encounters brings a sense of balance as my partner, a once skeptic, begins to experience visual apparitions and figures while I mainly deal with sounds and feelings. All these experiences have brought forward a sense of unity between my partner and me. It has fostered a different kind of understanding within us. In our current residence, having found old letters and tools that belong to my partner’s father, I constantly feel a presence, an energy that I believe is his father’s. It feels like he’s trying to communicate with us, to let us know he’s always here and watching over us. Nonetheless, such experiences have strengthened our bond and have given us extraordinary stories to tell.

Whether at my workplace or home, I’ve come to realize that these eerily awesome experiences have become a part of my life. While not everyone may believe in the supernatural or have a firsthand experience, I believe being open and respectful of the unknown or unexplainable brings forward a unique aspect of life, thereby making it a little more thrilling. Remember, not all unknown occurrences are bad; some bring forward a different perspective to life

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